Yiheng Li
- Deep learning application in medical imaging
- Multimodal data fusion
- Image registration and quality control
- Self-supervised learning
- Open source software development
- LLM, LoRA, Stable diffusion and AIGC in general
Deep Learning Research Scientist at Subtle Medical Inc.
Menlo Park, CA 08/2021-07/2023
Deep Learning based Image Co-Registration Quality Control
- Built a self-supervised classification model to QC the co-registration performance for pairs of 3D MRI images.
- Developed a data augmentation pipeline including affine and deformable movement to generate pseudo data pairs to tackle the data challenges of obtaining labelled well-registered MRI data pairs.
- To achieve multi-contrast prediction, compared two technical approaches: augmented contrasts vs. modality invariant representation.
Meeting accepted: ISMRM 2022, ASNR 2022, RSNA 2022
Deep Learning-Based Multi Contrast MRI Registration Model with a Realistic Flow Field and Reduced Over-Smoothing Effect
- Developed a deep learning based co-registration model that can be applied to multi-contrast MRI images of multiple anatomies.
- Novel attempts, using “Jacobin loss” and “cycle consistent loss”, to deal with unrealistic flow field and over-smoothing effect of deep learning- based registration methods, especially in the “VoxelMorph” and “SynthMorph” framework.
- Converted TensorFlow based “SynthMorph” code and trained PyTorch versions of “SynthMorph” and other variations of the model.
- Improved the SSIM and PSNR of the registered image on BraTS and Lumbar-Spine Open Dataset by ~40% and ~50% respectively.
Meeting accepted: ISMRM 2023
A Self-Supervised Key Point Detection Framework For Multiple Applications
- Explore, adapted, developed and assessed multiple technical workflows for self-supervised key point detection in medical images.
- Developed a two-step rule-based pipeline for brain MRI auto- formatting, using ANTs affine registration and SIFT key point matching.
- Guiding a intern to adopted and optimized the performance of the “KeyMorph”, an automatic key point generator with registration training mechanism, by customizing the loss with distance and applying additional mask.
- Start with the replication of a real-time self-supervised key point detector paper in PyTorch Lightning. Optimize over the original paper’s result by ~30% on a private self-curated test dataset with modified training strategy and grid loss search. A multi-purpose training framework is introduced by adding a tail to provide binary prediction of the key point existence. Transformer-based encoder replaced the CNN based encoder. Reinforced learning and iterative predictions are both tested for finer prediction.
Creation and Maintenance of a PyTorch-Lightning and MONAI based Deep Learning Training, Logging and Inference Helper Package: Lumos-ToolKit
- Created and maintained a toolkit which includes pipelines for the key steps and pain point in deep learning model development for medical imaging: dataset curation and testing; image affine, deformable and other spatial transformations; logging and documentation of the model hyper-parameters, figures and performances; management of the training settings and configurations; image preprocessing pipeline; complicated loss settings and combinations of losses.
- The whole package dynamically integrates the following packages: “pydantic”, “argdantic”, “PyTorch-Lightning”, “MONAI”, “rich”, etc.
Stanford University
M.Sc. in Biomedical Informatics
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
B.Sc. in Resource and Environmental Science
University of California, Berkeley
International Exchange Program